This contest is based on an idea that was originally started on DeviantArt a few years back - it was a challenge to draw something every day for a month. Now we bring you a contest based on the same idea - each participant must draw something every day for 30 days. The winner will be decided by a points system - each participant will start with 50 points, for every day of art missed, you will lose five points - if ten days of art are missed, you will be disqualified. After that, a poll will be run and the votes of the poll added to the points you already have - the winner will be the artist with the most points. Just sign your name up and be ready when the 1st of March arrives!
1. Media allowed: Pretty much anything - photos, drawings, paintings, digital art, sketches, pumpkin carving - all are allowed.
2. All entries for a day must be submitted by 12:00pm (midday) Elftown time. Elftown time can be found by looking at the top of the menu on the right hand side of your screen, above 'mood' and below 'seek' for usernames.
3. As obvious as it is: all entries must be your own work, no stealage of drawings and photos (or pumpkins) not done by you. Also, in case of any photo manipulation, any photos involved must be taken by you as well (so no including free-to-use pictures from the web).
4. The point of the contest is to get people drawing, or taking a new photo every day - so the drawing/photo you submit must be drawn or taken that day - obviously this is hard for us to monitor, so be honest with yourselves. Obviously, if we've seen the art elsewhere, we'll know you didn't do it that day. And we'll disqualify you.
5. When you submit your entry, set the image size to 200, please. For those of you who don't know how to do that, you need to insert '200' into the image tag after the 'img' but before the colon, like this: <IMG200:img_url_here>
All credit & thanks to [Draugluin] for making these pages.
2866) Which artist(s) do you feel has produced the best overall art for the 30 Day Contest? You may vote for up to three artists, but to do so is not necessary. (Administrator: [windowframe])
Number of voters: 21
The Prize:
A trophy with your Elftown username on, mailed to your address, free of charge. Failing that - if you don't want to give out your address, a donation to Elftown in your name.
Number of comments: 457
Older comments: (Last 200)